"Grayson did an awesome job. When I was feeling anxious, they talked to me and showed me breathing exercises to help me calm down. They took care of all my needs and made me laugh while doing it. They even showed me how to care for my surgical areas on my own so I would be ready to take care of myself after they left. They went above and beyond for me and I highly recommend Grayson as a caregiver."
-Phalloplasty Client, 40
September 2022
-Phalloplasty Client, 40
September 2022
"Grayson is a wonderful caregiver. Grayson has so much patience, so much knowledge, but most importantly has love for us. They took great care of me, such a wonderful angel, I highly recommend them. Thank you so much T4T for existing, I will never thank enough."
-Karina, 42
December 2022
-Karina, 42
December 2022
Check back for more testimonials for Grayson soon!